The7 Dashboard
The7 Pre-made Websites Plugins Service Info Icon Manager
The7 Pre-made Websites Plugins Service Info Icon Manager
Example of a Fancy Title is shown on fig. 1. Basically, it is a page title customized with individual background, color scheme, subtitle and breadcrumbs. Fig. 1. Fancy title. Beneath the “Page Header Options”, you’ll find a “Fancy Title Options” box (fig. 2): Fig. 2. Fancy Title Options. There’s whole lotta settings among which: fancy title layout (alignment of…
In every post/page back-end interface, you’ll notice “Page Header Options” box (fig. 1.1): Fig. 1.1. Page header options. Here you can choose page header style: “Show page title” option simply renders page title (and breadcrumbs, if enabled) the way it is configure in Theme Options -> Page Titles “Hide page title” removes the title from…
JavaScript Jquery: Easing Plugin: Cycle Plugin: Validator Plugin: Photo: JS (it is free and ultra lightweight mobile touch slider that being used in PressCore for metro-style homepage slider; we strongly recommend you to check it out): RoyalSlider RoyalSlider is essential part and engine for various sliders scattered across…
The7 is compatible with the WordPress version 4.9 and later (PHP v.5.6.20 or greater; MySQL v.5.0.15 or greater). Most JavaScript enabled browsers will make The7 work with no issues. It is designed and optimized for desktops, tablets and smartphones. Currently we are testing The7 in: Google Chrome (Mac and PC) Firefox (Mac and PC) Internet Explorer 11 and…
As it was mentioned in section Theme Options > Widget Areas, you can create and assign different widget areas to different posts and pages. To do so, navigate to page/post back-end. You’ll notice boxes called “Footer options” and “Sidebar options” (fig. 1): Fig. 1. Assign individual widget areas. In “Sidebar options” box you can: specify…
All widgets build into your theme are prefixed with “DT-“. E.g. “DT-Pregress Bars”, “DT-Portfolio Projects”, “DT-Contact Info”, etc. Fig. 1. Widget back-end interface. Most of them have such common options as: Title (optionally): this label is displayed above the widget. Category: select which category of a custom post type to display in this particular widget.…
1. Install WordPress Download and Install the newest version of WordPress. 2. Upload Theme Before proceeding, please make sure that following plugins are not installed or deactivated:– WP-pagenavi;– WP-less;– Options Framework;– any plugin that uses tgmpa (TGM Plugin Activation) and lessc (lessPHP) classes. If you’ve downloaded the whole theme package (see fig. 1.1), unzip it.…