Bulk Edit – Sidebar and Footer
Bulk Edit – Sidebar and Footer To batch edit multiple posts, tick the posts in the All Posts/Pages area, and select ‘edit’. You may choose the sidebar position, the footer and sidebar widgets.
Bulk Edit – Sidebar and Footer To batch edit multiple posts, tick the posts in the All Posts/Pages area, and select ‘edit’. You may choose the sidebar position, the footer and sidebar widgets.
Already Registered If you get “Already Registered” notice when trying to register Item Purchase Code for a theme, it means that this code has already been used for another web-site domain. If this another web-site is your localhost/dev/staging site, you can simply deregister the theme there (fig.1) and move it to your real live site,…
Change Individual Menu item color In Appearance > Menus, each menu item has CSS Classes (optional) filed which you can enable from Screen Options tab (in the upper right corner, fig.1): Fig.1. Enable “Class” setting for a menu. You can add a custom class in this filed (fig.2.) and apply custom CSS to this class.…
Why is my logo blurry? The theme does not resize logotypes: it means that, if you upload 200×200 px image in Theme options -> Branding, it will show up 200×200 px in the front-end as well. But if you are checking the website on High Definition screens such as MacBook Pro, you may notice that logo looks blurry.…
Google Tag Manager You can use the following script in order to integrate Google Tag Manager into a site: https://gist.github.com/bigdigital/c7fe0256a4a066a6c9bc69b0a0330dfa ,where ‘GTM-XXXX’ is Google ID.Or use Dt Res Inc Master pluginInstall it, activate, then follow to Tools -> Dt Res Inc Master and place script to header and after body fields fiig.1 “DT Res Inc Master”…
Import failed due to repository server error If you get the following error when trying to import Pre-Built websites Demo content: “Import failed due to repository server error. Please try again in 30-60 minutes. If the problem persists, please don’t hesitate to contact our support”; please try to add this code to wp-config.php. define(‘FS_METHOD’,’direct’); And…
Theme option in V6 Since new The7 V6 version, we have changed theme admin panel. Now, Theme options menu is removed from admin sidebar, the one in the Top bar is still there. Since 6.0.1 theme version, you can bring back Theme options to the sidebar menu via The7->MyThe7 interface by enabling “Show theme options in sidebar” option. In…
Fatal Error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: on Themes page Preconditions: issue occurs while attempting the automatic update from v.7.7.5 to v.7.7.7 (or newer) of the theme and The7 Elements plugin is either not installed or its version is below v.2.1.6. How to fix: ignore the error messages and update/install The7 Elements plugin via The7 > Plugins interface.This will resolve the…
WPBakery Page Builder does not load If WPBakery back-end and front-end editors don’t load, please try the following solution: Go to WPBakery Page Builder Settings -> Role Manager and make sure the editor is enabled for required post type: Fig. 1. Enable WPBakery page builder for a post type. Connect to your FTP server and go…
WooCommerce Germanized Pro style compatibility fixes In order to make WooCommerce Germanized Pro multistep checkout to have correct styles with The7 theme, the following CSS codecan be added into Dashboard – Theme Options – Advanced – Custom CSS .woocommerce-multistep-checkout .form-row.data-privacy,.woocommerce-multistep-checkout .wc-gzd-checkbox-placeholder {clear: both;.woocommerce-multistep-checkout .woocommerce-checkout .shop_table {background: none;.woocommerce-multistep-checkout .woocommerce-checkout .shop_table thead tr {border: none; .woocommerce-multistep-checkout .woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table…