Fig. 1. Theme Options Menu.

Theme Options

You can find Theme Options menu in the top panel in WP Dashboard (fig. 1): Fig. 1. Theme Options menu. You can also enable side Theme Options menu in Dashboard -> The7 -> My The7 -> Settings -> Legacy Features -> Show theme options in sidebar. There are two modes of Theme Options editing: front-end editor…

Fig. 1. Adding Share Buttons.

Share Buttons

You can enable social like/share buttons for blog posts, pages, portfolio projects, media albums and WooCommerce products. To do so, simply drag required button(s) to wide filed on the left (fig. 1): Fig. 1. Adding share buttons. There is an option of ‘Share buttons appearance’ which allows to change the way people interact with social share…



The7 Design Wizard simplifies the process of theme configuring: choose header layout, upload your logo and set up background, fonts and accent colour. The7 will intelligently calculate the best values for advanced options available in the theme. Wizard works in two modes: it allows to “Customize Existing Design” (Only if have configured theme options already) or “Start From a Scratch” (fig.…