Fig. 1. Advanced Settings.


This Theme Options tab allows to adjust advanced theme settings, add custom CSS and JS. Advanced Settings Here you can: set top & bottom margins for pages, posts & templates (see fig. 1); Fig. 1. Advanced settings. enable/disable responsive layout; specify side padding (for desktop and mobile layouts); turn on/off image lazy loading; enable smooth scroll;…

Fig. 1. Theme Settings Export/import Interface.

Import & Export

You can import and export your theme settings here (fig. 1). Copy the encrypted code and store it in a text file to export. Paste the code into the text area and click “save” to import settings. Fig. 1. Theme settings export/import interface. Note: This tool allows to transfer “CSS” setting only: colors, backgrounds, fonts, etc. Settings like portfolio slug,…

Header Layouts

Top Bar & Header

Layout There are seven header layouts available in The7  (fig. 1): Fig. 1. Header layouts. You can find some examples below (fig. 2.1 – 2.3): Fig. 2.1. Classic header. Fig. 2.2. Inline header. Fig. 2.3. Split header. Header layout affects number and position of areas where you can place microwidgets (top bar right, top bar…

Fig. 1. Sidebar Settings.


Fig. 1. Sidebar settings. Here you can set: sidebar width; vertical distance between widgets; gap between content area and sidebar. After selecting sidebar style, you can also specify background color/image/decoration or dividers position (fig. 2). Fig. 2. Sidebar style and background. It is also possible to make the sidebar sticky (sidebar floats down upon page…

Fig. 1. Widget Area Management.

Widget Areas

You can create unlimited number of widget areas. By default, there are only two areas: default sidebar and footer. To add custom widget area, fill in its name and description (optional) fields in the right side of the page (fig. 1, section 1)  and hit the “Add” button. Your new widget will appear in the widget…

Fig. 1. General Settings For The7 Post Types.

Post Types

This section of Theme Options allows to manage appearance of Blog, Portfolio and Gallery posts, if “The7 Elements” plugin is enabled. General This tab allows to define style for pagination and category filters (see fig. 1): decoration, line size, font settings, padding and margins, as well gap below category filter and above pagination. Fig. 1. General…

Woocommerce Settings

WooCommerce (optional)

Note that page Theme Options > WooCommerce is optional and will appear only if you have WooCommerce plugin installed and activated. WooCommerce settings are divided into 3 tabs (fig. 1): Fig. 1. WooCommerce Settings. Product list Here you can: choose WooCommerce default layout: masonry or list, or masonry / list switcher ; decide where to show…

Fig. 1. Buttons Style.


There are three predefined button styles (fig. 1): flat, 3D, shadow. Fig. 1. Buttons style. In this Theme Options tab, you can also specify: button idle and hover colors for background, text and border (fig. 2); Fig. 2. Button color settings. font family and font size, padding and border radius for 3 button sizes (small, medium and big).…

Fig. 1. Branding. Upload Logos.


On this page you can upload logos for different locations at your site, specify padding for these logos, set up copyright information, etc.: Note: Logos of different users comes in different size and ratio, so theme does not re size logos or do not prefer any specific size, you need to upload it in actual…